Sell at the best price

Carrying out an evaluation remotely or on the Internet very often results in an incorrect selling price:
- An overvalued real estate estimate will make you lose long months very often without any purchase offer and at the risk of declining one at the right price.
- An undervalued real estate estimate will speed up the sale but to your detriment.
- Online estimates are calculated by an automated computer tool using an average price per m² per broad sector and not on a case-by-case basis.

Only an on-site appraisal will determine the best selling price for your property:
- His characteristics
- Its exact positioning and orientation
- His work to be planned
- His residence and neighborhood
- The common areas
- The expertise of the real estate agent who has sold other properties nearby
- And many more settings...
Our 6 commitments

- You are contacted the day following your request
- We intervene on site quickly and at your convenience
- After your appointment, your estimate within 24h
- Free estimate for the sale of your property*
- Mandatory diagnostics offered when selling your property*
- Your expertise is carried out by our experienced advisor and specialist in your area
* 4) Pour tous biens confiés à l’agence par mandat de vente simple ou exclusif.
* 5) Nous consulter.

Contact me quickly!
OR call us quickly at +33 (0)4 67 37 19 99
And after?

Thanks to our unique selling technique, the majority of goods are sold quickly:
- Experienced and responsive real estate agents
- Large portfolio of qualified buyers
- Our professional website well placed on the Google engine
- Storefront in the center of the village
- Drafting of sales agreements drawn up in the agency
- Local customer relationship
- Lots of advertising media
Our advertising force & partners

Note : les heures indiquées sur cette page sont données les jours ouvrables de notre agence immobilière et non fériés